We are sorry that you or someone that you know has had a reaction to the medicine they were taking or vaccine given. Information you provide when you report side effect can improve the safe use of medicines or vaccines. Please provide your contact details below so we can follow up for further information about your report if necessary. You can report on side effects, drug ineffectiveness, product quality, suspected counterfeit or medical device defect, medication error (i.e. mistake made in the prescription, dosing, dispensing or administration of the medicine).
Please note: all fields marked (*) red are required.
Do you think these side effect occurred as a
result of a mistake made in the prescription, dosing,
dispensing or administration of the medicine or vaccine?
Other information you think might be important,
including any other medical condition,
any allergies that the person may have,
results of any tests performed etc.
If we need further information to help us
understand the case do we have your
permission to contact you?